Isnin, 20 Julai 2009

F3t23 was the best!!!

dear all F3t23,,
miz u all so much
so glad that i have frens like you
mudah2an kita dirahmati Allah..
wish u all the bezzzz..
by the cake yg paling bez pnah aku makan...
cuz memorial


"Apabila cinta kepada ALLAH itu sampai ke lubuk hati...maka semua cinta kepada selainNya akan tersingkir"

"Alam yang maha luas ini adalah kitab, syair, lukisan, ukiran, dan bangunan yang penuh keindahan dan rahsia.Tak terbatas ilmu dan kekuasaan penciptanya."

"Tiap yang indah itu dicinta....tetapi yang mutlak indah hanyalah satu."

"Berbahagialah orang yang telah sempurna cinta kepadaNYA.Kesempurnaan cintanya itu ialah kerana ia menginsafi tanasub(persesuaian),batin antara dirinya dengan Allah."

"Ilmu yang hakiki ialah memberi keyakinan, bahawa akhirat itu lebih utama daripada dunia."

"Barangsiapa yang tahu akan hal ini,maka ia tidak akan melepaskan yang lebih utama untuk mengambil yang nista"

"Mengapa perlu menyesali kekurangan diri sedangkan hidup tidak dipenuhi dengan nikmat dan kesyukuran "

Isnin, 13 Julai 2009

My first week in UiTM,Shah Alam


My first week in UiTM is cool!
Everything was new and i have to do on my,i have to decide by myself..eventhough its a little bit difficult,but i'm enjoy.
First day of college registration,i don't expect it is easy.In my mind,i have to line up for a few minutes...go here and there until it is done and most important,my parents have to wait for me..but what happened is,they just give me the room key and done! So glad i can spend a little bit of my time with my parents before they go back to hometown in Sarawak.

In first week of orientation,
As usual...many things to do.My college which was the best college among all is situated nearly around most of faculty.I'm glad that I'm here.I have to register to enter the college,register as UiTM's students,register courses and many more.Everyday we have to assemble and listen as well as focus all the time.The best part was when all July 2009 intake students gather in Dewan Sri Budiman and Annex.All of us compete with our own college cheers.Clap our hand here and there.Through this week,i've learnt more about to survive as university students and it's enjoyable!!!!!

The most important things,

>study smart and hard

>serious in study

>be more independent and matured

>grabs dean and canselor award,best student in university and ....